Today’s guest post comes from the University of Denver Sturm College of Law’s John Bliss. Professor Bliss has been kind enough to share some resources that he has crafted to help teach AI to lawyers and law students. In addition, he has launched a new blog which would likely be of interest to our audience so we are happy to host this cross-over event.
I recently posted to SSRN a forthcoming article on Teaching Law in the Age of Generative AI, which draws from early experiments with AI-integrated law teaching, surveys of law students and faculty, and the vast new literature on teaching with generative AI across educational contexts. I outline a set of considerations to weigh when deciding how to incorporate this tech in the legal curriculum. And I suggest classroom exercises, assignments, and policies. See https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4682456.
I’m also organizing a blog that provides up-to-date analysis of research on AI’s legal capabilities. You can subscribe at http://ai-lawyering.blog. Let me know if you’re interested in contributing. The motivation for the blog is that legal AI is a fast-moving field. It is all too common that our discussions are based on outdated and inaccurate information. Empirical findings are often misconstrued in mass and social media. The blog aims to address this issue by reviewing the latest high-quality research, emphasizing empirical studies of AI capabilities as well as scholarship on the implications of this technology for lawyers and other stakeholders in the legal system.
New Program on Generative AI for Legal Practitioners
I’m working with a non-profit teaching lawyers and other members of the legal profession about generative AI: http://oak-academy.org. Just last week, we held our first session with a group of lawyers, law students, and academics. It seemed to go well!
I look forward to continuing conversations on these topics. Please feel free to reach out—jbliss@law.du.edu